Hackean el sitio en el que Anonymous coordina sus ataques

Foto: OperationPaperStorm (vía Flickr).
"Estamos profundamente desolados por este drama", dijo en un comunicado el grupo activista. Conozca los detalles del ataque que confirma que la inseguridad en la Red no respeta ni a los mismos atacantes.
Anonymous alertó a sus integrantes porque el ataque habría puesto en riesgo la seguridad de sus computadores. Foto: OperationPaperStorm (vía Flickr).

A Anonymous le dieron de su propia medicina. El grupo activista, que ha coordinado ataques a algunos los sitios en Internet más populares del mundo (inclusive varios colombianos como protesta a la ‘Ley Lleras’), fue víctima de un hackeo al canal IRC (AnonOps), que es utilizado por los integrantes del colectivo para articular todo lo relacionado con sus comunicaciones.

Todo apunta a que los ataques hechos por Anonymous, que asegura no ser un grupo de ciberterroristas, habrían servido de impulso para que sus víctimas tuvieran que ver con el hackeo, que dejó como víctimas a varios servidores y a un buen número de direcciones IP que tendría en vilo a los integrantes de la organización, en parte, por la confidencialidad de la información que se filtró.

También, pese a que no ha habido una confirmación sobre quiénes fueron los autores del hecho, el operador del canal y un antiguo seguidor de las acciones del grupo son los principales sospechosos. La información que fue extraída del canal, minutos después fue publicada a través de la Red.

Por su parte, el atacante, que se autodenominada ‘Ryan’, habría logrado tener el control absoluto de AnonOps.ru y AnonOps.net. Los dos sitios actualmente tienen en su home un mensaje: “LOL AnonOps Dead”, y un listado de los alias de usuarios y direcciones IP.

Foto: AnonOps.net.

Anonymous, en un comunicado alertó a sus integrantes para que no utilicen los canales que fueron citados en el mensaje de ‘Ryan’, ya que pueden poner en riesgo sus computadores y a ellos mismos. “Estamos profundamente desolados por este drama“, concluye el comunicado de la organización, que en los últimos días fue acusada indirectamente por Sony por el ataque al PlayStation Network.

Carlos Alberto Díaz

Carlos Alberto Díaz

En 2002, cuando terminaba mi bachillerato en el Colegio Militar Caldas, todos los caminos conducían a que mi futuro iba a estar en los batallones del Ejército. Sin embargo, reconozco que para estar en un combate en el monte se necesitan más cojones y, si me dan miedo los ratones, no me imagino cómo saldría a correr si se me apareciera uno de esos ‘roedores’ armados que vemos a diario por la televisión.

Años después me dejé llevar por mi pasión por la radio, las nuevas tecnologías y los medios de comunicación, y comencé a estudiar comunicación social y periodismo. En 2008 busqué mis prácticas en un buen medio y llegué a la Casa Editorial El Tiempo, en donde, un poco frustrado por no cubrir temas de tecnología que siempre me han fascinado, fui periodista en el área de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial y publicaba en medios como Portafolio, el diario Hoy, ADN, Citytv, Eltiempo.com y El Tiempo impreso.

A finales de 2009 ingresé a Portafolio.com.co y cubrí temas de economía, responsabilidad social y, por fin, tecnología. De esta última, para hablar y escribir tengo mucho, y espero que mis contenidos escritos y multimedia sean útiles para que aprendan y se informen sobre este apasionante universo.

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  • Ja, Anonymous entonces no es el único grupo hacker fuerte de la Internet. También hay otros mas peores; huy no joda!.

    ops¡los registros de horas son muchos
    pm logs
    Cogitabundus -> sin: Now I love you more.tranquility.anonops.net -> opoze: k te puedes meter en un lio si te pillanCogitabundus -> sin: :Pdaemon -> daemon: hCogitabundus -> sin: You’re foul-mouthed.tranquility.anonops.net -> XXC: [.Logon News. – Feb 16 2011] Please do not silence the media, it does no good and prevents free speech. Thank you.XXC -> nickserv: register degun [email protected] -> XXC: [.Logon News. – Mar 30 2011] .Network help:. #help | .Nick registration:. /msg nickserv register [password] [email] | .Channel registration:. /msg chanserv register [#channel] [password] [description] | .Other help:. /msg helpserv helptranquility.anonops.net -> XXC: [.Random News. – Nov 08 2010] [20:48:57] * Xero derp derp hurr hahaha im funny i use /me | [20:49:08] Hey I never knew how until last night :Ptranquility.anonops.net -> XXC: This nickname is registered and protected. If it is yourtranquility.anonops.net -> XXC: nick, type ./msg NickServ IDENTIFY .password… Otherwise,tranquility.anonops.net -> XXC: please choose a different nick.tranquility.anonops.net -> XXC: You must have been using this nick for at least 90 seconds to register.tranquility.anonops.net -> XXC: Password accepted – you are now recognized.tranquility.anonops.net -> XXC: Your vhost of .republik.anarchy.met. is now activated.tranquility.anonops.net -> XXC: [#oppalestine] ..05Op meeting every Sunday and Wednesday at 20pm GMT! Be there or be square!Cogitabundus -> sin: You’re not supposed to be green.Cogitabundus -> sin: ;)opoze -> Subversive: realmente no tiene por que, este pc pasa por mil manos al mestranquility.anonops.net -> Cogitabundus: loltranquility.anonops.net -> e: [.Logon News. – Feb 16 2011] Please do not silence the media, it does no good and prevents free speech. Thank you.tranquility.anonops.net -> e: [.Logon News. – Mar 30 2011] .Network help:. #help | .Nick registration:. /msg nickserv register [password] [email] | .Channel registration:. /msg chanserv register [#channel] [password] [description] | .Other help:. /msg helpserv helptranquility.anonops.net -> e: [.Random News. – Nov 10 2010] Quote: [17:28:01] we speak american here. catch uptranquility.anonops.net -> e: This nickname is registered and protected. If it is yourtranquility.anonops.net -> e: nick, type ./msg NickServ IDENTIFY .password… Otherwise,tranquility.anonops.net -> e: please choose a different nick.opoze -> Subversive: no se e -> NickServ: IDENTIFY lolpass2tranquility.anonops.net -> e: Password accepted – you are now recognized.tranquility.anonops.net -> e: Your vhost of [email protected]. is now activated.tranquility.anonops.net -> e: [.Oper News. – Dec 04 2010] Welcome to AnonOps Oper Land ! We hope you enjoy the ride !tranquility.anonops.net -> e: [#opers] #discofag for the fags disco (Blerghs DNS Boat)opoze -> Subversive: yo es por colaoraropoze -> Subversive: colaborartranquility.anonops.net -> e: [#anonnews] Welcome to #anonnews. If you are new, join #opnewblood – other current channels of interest: #opsony #opLibya #OperationPayback #anonleaks #OpMetalGeartranquility.anonops.net -> e: [#opsony] #OpSony is not attacking the PSN and has not done so since at least two weeks ago. Whatever problems Sony have, they are nothing whatsoever to do with us. kthxbai.tranquility.anonops.net -> e: [#anonsec] Anon guide, MacPack & CarePackage: http://ge.tt/62ymxTxtranquility.anonops.net -> e: [#reporter] .4If you are not a reporter. You .MUST. be identified via NickServ before entering this channel..tranquility.anonops.net -> e: [#wikileaks] Welcome to WikiLeaks. Other channels of intrest: #operationpayback #propaganda #setup #radiopayback #loungetranquility.anonops.net -> e: [#lounge] Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother’s keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know My name is the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon thee.tranquility.anonops.net -> e: [#help] [#help] Nick registration: /msg nickserv register [password] [email] | Channel registration /msg chanserv register [#channel] [password] [description] | Other help: /msg helpserv helptranquility.anonops.net -> e: [#ED] .Stuff that needs doing: http://encyclopediadramatica.ch/Encyclopedia_Dramatica:Needed || Ways to help: http://encyclopediadramatica.ch/Encyclopedia_Dramatica:Help || Type !target to see current missione -> e: ®tranquility.anonops.net -> e: [#ophack] Welcome to #OpHack, If you have not registered your nickname to speak, you will need to be ask an OP to voice you!tranquility.anonops.net -> e: [#OperationPayback] .13Welcome to #operationpayback. Please read the topic.tranquility.anonops.net -> e: [#anonops] [#help] Nick registration: /msg nickserv register [password] [email] | Channel registration /msg chanserv register [#channel] [password] [description] | Other help: /msg helpserv helpCogitabundus -> sin: I really do like that.Cogitabundus -> sin: :)tranquility.anonops.net -> e: [.Logon News. – Feb 16 2011] Please do not silence the media, it does no good and prevents free speech. Thank you.
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: [.Logon News. – Mar 30 2011] .Network help:. #help | .Nick registration:. /msg nickserv register [password] [email] | .Channel registration:. /msg chanserv register [#channel] [password] [description] | .Other help:. /msg helpserv help
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: [.Random News. – Dec 29 2010] do you know hack?
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: This nickname is registered and protected. If it is your
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: nick, type ./msg NickServ IDENTIFY .password… Otherwise,
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: please choose a different nick.
    e -> NickServ: IDENTIFY lolpass2
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: Password accepted – you are now recognized.
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: Your vhost of [email protected]. is now activated.
    tranquility.anonops.net -> Zachary: shweet
    tranquility.anonops.net -> Zachary: why?
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: [#ophack] Welcome to #OpHack, If you have not registered your nickname to speak, you will need to be ask an OP to voice you!
    tranquility.anonops.net -> Zachary: and i gotz vpn
    Zachary -> spoonzy: oj oj
    Zachary -> spoonzy: they are cool
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: [#anonops] [#help] Nick registration: /msg nickserv register [password] [email] | Channel registration /msg chanserv register [#channel] [password] [description] | Other help: /msg helpserv help
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: [#anonnews] Welcome to #anonnews. If you are new, join #opnewblood – other current channels of interest: #opsony #opLibya #OperationPayback #anonleaks #OpMetalGear
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: [#opsony] #OpSony is not attacking the PSN and has not done so since at least two weeks ago. Whatever problems Sony have, they are nothing whatsoever to do with us. kthxbai.
    tranquility.anonops.net -> Zachary: they are power hungry
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: [#anonsec] Anon guide, MacPack & CarePackage: http://ge.tt/62ymxTx
    Cogitabundus -> sin: Unlike most then I can’t be fooled by crudeness.
    Cogitabundus -> sin: Which is why you love me.
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: [#reporter] .4If you are not a reporter. You .MUST. be identified via NickServ before entering this channel..
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: [#wikileaks] Welcome to WikiLeaks. Other channels of intrest: #operationpayback #propaganda #setup #radiopayback #lounge
    tranquility.anonops.net -> Zachary: what did you reply?
    Cogitabundus -> sin: How’s SS?
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: [#lounge] Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother’s keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know My name is the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon thee.
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: [#help] [#help] Nick registration: /msg nickserv register [password] [email] | Channel registration /msg chanserv register [#channel] [password] [description] | Other help: /msg helpserv help
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: [#ED] .Stuff that needs doing: http://encyclopediadramatica.ch/Encyclopedia_Dramatica:Needed || Ways to help: http://encyclopediadramatica.ch/Encyclopedia_Dramatica:Help || Type !target to see current mission
    e -> e: ®
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: [.Logon News. – Feb 16 2011] Please do not silence the media, it does no good and prevents free speech. Thank you.
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: [.Logon News. – Mar 30 2011] .Network help:. #help | .Nick registration:. /msg nickserv register [password] [email] | .Channel registration:. /msg chanserv register [#channel] [password] [description] | .Other help:. /msg helpserv help
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: [.Random News. – Dec 30 2010] Quote: [23:44:02] what’s CP?
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: This nickname is registered and protected. If it is your
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: nick, type ./msg NickServ IDENTIFY .password… Otherwise,
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: please choose a different nick.
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: [.Oper News. – Dec 04 2010] Welcome to AnonOps Oper Land ! We hope you enjoy the ride !
    e -> NickServ: IDENTIFY lolpass2
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: [#opers] #discofag for the fags disco (Blerghs DNS Boat)
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: Password accepted – you are now recognized.
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: Your vhost of [email protected]. is now activated.
    tranquility.anonops.net -> Cogitabundus: his eyes hurt
    tranquility.anonops.net -> Cogitabundus: from staring at screen all day
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: [#anonsec] Anon guide, MacPack & CarePackage: http://ge.tt/62ymxTx
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: [#reporter] .4If you are not a reporter. You .MUST. be identified via NickServ before entering this channel..
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: [#wikileaks] Welcome to WikiLeaks. Other channels of intrest: #operationpayback #propaganda #setup #radiopayback #lounge
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: [#lounge] Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother’s keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know My name is the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon thee.
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: [#help] [#help] Nick registration: /msg nickserv register [password] [email] | Channel registration /msg chanserv register [#channel] [password] [description] | Other help: /msg helpserv help
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: [#ED] .Stuff that needs doing: http://encyclopediadramatica.ch/Encyclopedia_Dramatica:Needed || Ways to help: http://encyclopediadramatica.ch/Encyclopedia_Dramatica:Help || Type !target to see current mission
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: [#ophack] Welcome to #OpHack, If you have not registered your nickname to speak, you will need to be ask an OP to voice you!
    e -> e: ®
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: [#anonops] [#help] Nick registration: /msg nickserv register [password] [email] | Channel registration /msg chanserv register [#channel] [password] [description] | Other help: /msg helpserv help
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: [#anonnews] Welcome to #anonnews. If you are new, join #opnewblood – other current channels of interest: #opsony #opLibya #OperationPayback #anonleaks #OpMetalGear
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: [#opsony] #OpSony is not attacking the PSN and has not done so since at least two weeks ago. Whatever problems Sony have, they are nothing whatsoever to do with us. kthxbai.
    tranquility.anonops.net -> Cogitabundus: cause i wasnt around
    tranquility.anonops.net -> Cogitabundus: to entertain him
    tranquility.anonops.net -> Cogitabundus: lol
    Cogitabundus -> sin: Ha ha.
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: [#OperationPayback] .13Welcome to #operationpayback. Please read the topic.
    e -> e: ®
    Cogitabundus -> sin: So sad and cute.
    tranquility.anonops.net -> Mugen: [.Logon News. – Feb 16 2011] Please do not silence the media, it does no good and prevents free speech. Thank you.
    tranquility.anonops.net -> Mugen: [.Logon News. – Mar 30 2011] .Network help:. #help | .Nick registration:. /msg nickserv register [password] [email] | .Channel registration:. /msg chanserv register [#channel] [password] [description] | .Other help:. /msg helpserv help
    tranquility.anonops.net -> Mugen: [.Random News. – Jan 12 2011] if i was a rat, id be fucking all day long
    tranquility.anonops.net -> Mugen: This nickname is registered and protected. If it is your
    tranquility.anonops.net -> Mugen: nick, type ./msg NickServ IDENTIFY .password… Otherwise,
    tranquility.anonops.net -> Mugen: please choose a different nick.
    opoze -> Subversive: tampoco se mucho de ordenadores
    Mugen -> nickserv: identify sepialoca
    tranquility.anonops.net -> Mugen: Password accepted – you are now recognized.
    tranquility.anonops.net -> Mugen: Your vhost of .nocturnal.groove. is now activated.
    e -> e: ®
    tranquility.anonops.net -> Mugen: There are .4. memos on channel #OpBlackOut.
    tranquility.anonops.net -> Mugen: [#opblackout] ..4,1 BackTrack Linux.3 –.4 Penetration Testing Distribution.0 [.7BackTrack 4 R2 Release ISO.0].4 : .0 http://www.backtrack-linux.org/downloads/ .4 Nmap 5.50.3 –.4 Security Scanner For Network Exploration & Security Audits.0 [.7http://nmap.org/book/nse.html.0].4 :.0 http://nmap.org/download ..
    opoze -> Subversive: si se puede bien y si no tambien
    tranquility.anonops.net -> Mugen: [#hispania] .2.Bienvenido a #hispania. Si eres nuevo, join #opnewblood – otros canales de interes: #anonnews #anonsec #opsony #opLibya #OperationPayback #anonleaks #OpMetalGear #OpManning #OpBlackOut & #OperationGreenRights
    tranquility.anonops.net -> Annenimus: [#OperationPayback] .13Welcome to #operationpayback. Please read the topic.
    e -> e: ®
    daemon -> daemon: lol dongs
    tranquility.anonops.net -> opoze: no se lo suficiente y podrias meterte en un lio
    e -> e: ®
    tranquility.anonops.net -> opoze: de manera segura tendras k ablarlo con otro
    tranquility.anonops.net -> keylog74: [.Logon News. – Feb 16 2011] Please do not silence the media, it does no good and prevents free speech. Thank you.
    tranquility.anonops.net -> keylog74: [.Logon News. – Mar 30 2011] .Network help:. #help | .Nick registration:. /msg nickserv register [password] [email] | .Channel registration:. /msg chanserv register [#channel] [password] [description] | .Other help:. /msg helpserv help
    tranquility.anonops.net -> keylog74: [.Random News. – Jan 17 2011] !dowm tomz !down* !down root`work !dowm tomz :/
    tranquility.anonops.net -> keylog74: This nickname is registered and protected. If it is your
    tranquility.anonops.net -> keylog74: nick, type ./msg NickServ IDENTIFY .password… Otherwise,
    tranquility.anonops.net -> keylog74: please choose a different nick.
    tranquility.anonops.net -> keylog74: Password accepted – you are now recognized.
    tranquility.anonops.net -> keylog74: Your vhost of [email protected]. is now activated.
    opoze -> Subversive: ok
    opoze -> Subversive: gracias
    tranquility.anonops.net -> opoze: np
    e -> e: ®
    tranquility.anonops.net -> keylog74: [#opsony] #OpSony is not attacking the PSN and has not done so since at least two weeks ago. Whatever problems Sony have, they are nothing whatsoever to do with us. kthxbai.
    tranquility.anonops.net -> keylog74: [#anonops] [#help] Nick registration: /msg nickserv register [password] [email] | Channel registration /msg chanserv register [#channel] [password] [description] | Other help: /msg helpserv help
    e -> e: ®
    tranquility.anonops.net -> Annenimus: [#anonnews] Welcome to #anonnews. If you are new, join #opnewblood – other current channels of interest: #opsony #opLibya #OperationPayback #anonleaks #OpMetalGear
    tranquility.anonops.net -> keylog74: [#OperationPayback] .13Welcome to #operationpayback. Please read the topic.
    e -> e: ®
    tranquility.anonops.net -> Guest19742: [.Logon News. – Feb 16 2011] Please do not silence the media, it does no good and prevents free speech. Thank you.
    tranquility.anonops.net -> Guest19742: [.Logon News. – Mar 30 2011] .Network help:. #help | .Nick registration:. /msg nickserv register [password] [email] | .Channel registration:. /msg chanserv register [#channel] [password] [description] | .Other help:. /msg helpserv help
    tranquility.anonops.net -> Guest19742: [.Random News. – Feb 01 2011] Hell, there are no rules here, we’re trying to accomplish something. (Thomas A. Edison)
    e -> e: ®
    e -> e: ®
    tranquility.anonops.net -> Annenimus: [#anonops] [#help] Nick registration: /msg nickserv register [password] [email] | Channel registration /msg chanserv register [#channel] [password] [description] | Other help: /msg helpserv help
    tranquility.anonops.net -> Zachary: ?
    e -> e: ®
    nectar -> nectar: .PING 1304037710 531419.
    e -> e: ®
    tranquility.anonops.net -> Norisom: [#OperationPayback] .13Welcome to #operationpayback. Please read the topic.
    e -> e: ®
    tranquility.anonops.net -> opoze: [.Logon News. – Feb 16 2011] Please do not silence the media, it does no good and prevents free speech. Thank you.
    tranquility.anonops.net -> opoze: [.Logon News. – Mar 30 2011] .Network help:. #help | .Nick registration:. /msg nickserv register [password] [email] | .Channel registration:. /msg chanserv register [#channel] [password] [description] | .Other help:. /msg helpserv help
    tranquility.anonops.net -> opoze: [.Random News. – Apr 22 2011] ValeriavB: Tony_The_Tiger what else are you doing here than kicking people?!
    tranquility.anonops.net -> opoze: This nickname is registered and protected. If it is your
    tranquility.anonops.net -> opoze: nick, type ./msg NickServ IDENTIFY .password… Otherwise,
    tranquility.anonops.net -> opoze: please choose a different nick.
    tranquility.anonops.net -> rev2: [.Logon News. – Feb 16 2011] Please do not silence the media, it does no good and prevents free speech. Thank you.
    tranquility.anonops.net -> rev2: [.Logon News. – Mar 30 2011] .Network help:. #help | .Nick registration:. /msg nickserv register [password] [email] | .Channel registration:. /msg chanserv register [#channel] [password] [description] | .Other help:. /msg helpserv help
    tranquility.anonops.net -> rev2: [.Random News. – Nov 01 2010] Quote: [23:07:45] My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard,
    opoze -> NickServ: IDENTIFY nolimit13
    tranquility.anonops.net -> opoze: Password accepted – you are now recognized.
    e -> e: ®
    tranquility.anonops.net -> opoze: [#hispania] .2.Bienvenido a #hispania. Si eres nuevo, join #opnewblood – otros canales de interes: #anonnews #anonsec #opsony #opLibya #OperationPayback #anonleaks #OpMetalGear #OpManning #OpBlackOut & #OperationGreenRights
    tranquility.anonops.net -> opoze: [#anonnews] Welcome to #anonnews. If you are new, join #opnewblood – other current channels of interest: #opsony #opLibya #OperationPayback #anonleaks #OpMetalGear
    e -> e: ®
    tranquility.anonops.net -> wemoral: [.Logon News. – Feb 16 2011] Please do not silence the media, it does no good and prevents free speech. Thank you.
    tranquility.anonops.net -> wemoral: [.Logon News. – Mar 30 2011] .Network help:. #help | .Nick registration:. /msg nickserv register [password] [email] | .Channel registration:. /msg chanserv register [#channel] [password] [description] | .Other help:. /msg helpserv help
    tranquility.anonops.net -> wemoral: [.Random News. – Nov 16 2010] Quote: [07:09:02] I buy the cheapest shit, live on fucking rice and still
    tranquility.anonops.net -> wemoral: This nickname is registered and protected. If it is your
    tranquility.anonops.net -> wemoral: nick, type ./msg NickServ IDENTIFY .password… Otherwise,
    tranquility.anonops.net -> wemoral: please choose a different nick.
    tranquility.anonops.net -> wemoral: [#OperationPayback] .13Welcome to #operationpayback. Please read the topic.
    Cogitabundus -> sin: Can I talk to you without having it repeated to anyone?
    tranquility.anonops.net -> Cogitabundus: ofc
    e -> e: ®
    tranquility.anonops.net -> xxxdominatorxxx: [.Logon News. – Feb 16 2011] Please do not silence the media, it does no good and prevents free speech. Thank you.
    tranquility.anonops.net -> xxxdominatorxxx: [.Logon News. – Mar 30 2011] .Network help:. #help | .Nick registration:. /msg nickserv register [password] [email] | .Channel registration:. /msg chanserv register [#channel] [password] [description] | .Other help:. /msg helpserv help
    tranquility.anonops.net -> xxxdominatorxxx: [.Random News. – Jan 17 2011] !dowm tomz !down* !down root`work !dowm tomz :/
    tranquility.anonops.net -> xxxdominatorxxx: This nickname is registered and protected. If it is your
    tranquility.anonops.net -> xxxdominatorxxx: nick, type ./msg NickServ IDENTIFY .password… Otherwise,
    tranquility.anonops.net -> xxxdominatorxxx: please choose a different nick.
    tranquility.anonops.net -> xxxdominatorxxx: Password accepted – you are now recognized.
    tranquility.anonops.net -> xxxdominatorxxx: Your vhost of .dominate.the.world. is now activated.
    tranquility.anonops.net -> xxxdominatorxxx: [#opnewblood] Hello, welcome to Anonymous. Please if you are brand new, read the link in the topic to get yourself started. Feel free to ask any questions in this channel if you need help at any time.
    tranquility.anonops.net -> xxxdominatorxxx: [#vhost] Join #help if you need help
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: *** ev0 ([email protected]) did a /whois on you.
    Cogitabundus -> sin: Hmm.
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: e
    Cogitabundus -> sin: You sure.
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: wtf
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: is all this shit rooted
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: also
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: talk to takai
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: he fixed some shit
    e -> e: ®
    tranquility.anonops.net -> e: go on #chats
    e -> ev0: sec
    Cogitabundus -> sin: I don’t like revealing stuff.
    tranquility.anonops.net -> Sling_: [.Logon News. – Feb 16 2011] Please do not silence the media, it does no good and prevents free speech. Thank you.
    tranquility.anonops.net -> Sling_: [.Logon News. – Mar 30 2011] .Network help:. #help | .Nick registration:. /msg nickserv register [password] [email] | .Channel registration:. /msg chanserv register [#channel] [password] [description] | .Other help:. /msg helpserv help
    tranquility.anonops.net -> Sling_: [.Random News. – Feb 09 2011] IRC, its like a forum.
    tranquility.anonops.net -> Sling_: This nickname is registered and protected. If it is your
    tranquility.anonops.net -> Sling_: nick, type ./msg NickServ IDENTIFY .password… Otherwise,
    tranquility.anonops.net -> Sling_: please choose a different nick.
    tranquility.anonops.net -> Sling_: [#OperationPayback] .13Welcome to #operationpayback. Please read the topic.
    e -> ev0: busy
    tranquility.anonops.net -> Sling_: [#dutch] Welkom in #Dutch, het officiele Nederlandstalige kanaal van AnonOps || Main language is Dutch, English translation is a service not a right… (except, maybe, for server operators)
    tranquility.anonops.net -> zappe: [.Logon News. – Feb 16 2011] Please do not silence the media, it does no good and prevents free speech. Thank you.
    tranquility.anonops.net -> zappe: [.Logon News. – Mar 30 2011] .Network help:. #help | .Nick registration:. /msg nickserv register [password] [email] | .Channel registration:. /msg chanserv register [#channel] [password] [description] | .Other help:. /msg helpserv help
    tranquility.anonops.net -> zappe: [.Random News. – Feb 24 2011] my dog is wearing the headset now
    tranquility.anonops.net -> zappe: This nickname is registered and protected. If it is your
    tranquility.anonops.net -> zappe: nick, type ./msg NickServ IDENTIFY .password… Otherwise,
    tranquility.anonops.net -> zappe: please choose a different nick.
    zappe -> nickserv: identify mosquito
    tranquility.anonops.net -> zappe: Password accepted – you are now recognized.
    tranquility.anonops.net -> zappe: Your vhost of [email protected]. is now activated.
    tranquility.anonops.net -> Tarri-XV_: [.Logon News. – Feb 16 2011] Please do not silence the media, it does no good and prevents free speech. Thank you.
    tranquility.anonops.net -> Tarri-XV_: [.Logon News. – Mar 30 2011] .Network help:. #help | .Nick registration:. /msg nickserv register [password] [email] | .Channel registration:. /msg chanserv register [#channel] [password] [description] | .Other help:. /msg helpserv help

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